Chung Won Lee, Jin Ho Kim, Boseong Kim
Pages: 54-58
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 501
Downloads: 41
Abstract: The relationship between human arousal state and task performance is mainly explained by the Yerkes-Dodson law. It means the law of optimal performance, which each individual performs the most in an appropriate level of arousal. Meanwhile, considering the difficulty conditions of the task, in general, difficult tasks are performed in a lower arousal state than easy tasks, while easy tasks are performed in a higher arousal state than difficult tasks. In addition, the state of human arousal can be adjusted through the illumination of the light. For example, when exposed to an environment with high illuminance, it is placed in an environmentally higher arousal state. Accordingly, in this study, a preliminary study was conducted to examine the changes in task performance caused by controlling the difficulty of the task while controlling the environmental arousal state using the illuminance of the lighting. As a result, it was found that the 3-back task, which is a relatively difficult task, tends to show a high task performance at 400 lx, which has a low environmental arousal state. On the other hand, it was found that the 2-back task, which is a relatively easy task, tends to have a high task performance at 1,000 lx, which has a high environmental arousal state. This can be interpreted as suggesting that the Yerkes-Dodson law considering the difficulty of the task can be sufficiently implemented according to the environmental arousal state controlled by utilizing the illuminance of LED lighting.
Keywords: illuminance of led lighting, difficulty of the task, environmental arousal state, the yerkes-dodson law
Cite this article: Chung Won Lee, Jin Ho Kim, Boseong Kim. A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL AROUSAL CONTROL USING ILLUMINANCE AND PERFORMANCE BY TASK DIFFICULTY LEVEL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 54-58 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002507/
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