Sofia M. Papadopoulou, Evangelos Gavalas, Spyros Papaefthymiou
Pages: 245-253
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 357
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Abstract: In the present study, the effect of baking (painting) temperature on 3104 cold-rolled sheets for body stock application in terms of substructure and formability was examined. The thermal treatment performed during banking process provided optimum results towards the coating response and therefore its effect on the Al sheet deep drawability is examined. Mechanical testing in three directions, hardness measurements and microstructural analyses with optical microscopy and EBSD were applied and evaluated. In the current examination different painting soaking times were selected (10-20 s)on a 3104 aluminum alloy sheet sample of 55% thickness reduction percentage and it was found that the optimum mechanical properties are succeeded after heat treatment for 20 s at 170oC, sample 4. In the resulting metallurgical condition the substructure was characterized by a high percentage of high angle grain boundaries (88%),while thee crystallographic deformation texture prevails an planar and vertical anisotropyexhibit acceptable results for the subsequent submission to a deep indentation process.
Keywords: baking, aa3104, substructure, ebsd, anisotropy, formability
Cite this article: Sofia M. Papadopoulou, Evangelos Gavalas, Spyros Papaefthymiou. EFFECT OF BAKING TEMPERATURE ON THE ALUMINUM SUBSTRATE FORMABILITY AND CORRELATION BETWEEN SUBSTRUCTURE AND TEXTURE EVOLUTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 245-253 (2022). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002527/
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