Florentine Paudel
Pages: 1-11
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996106915
Views: 613
Downloads: 93
Abstract: Due to the educational policy goals, which have been given an internationally binding framework by the UN Action Plan Agenda 2030, the university colleges of teacher education in Austria are also under pressure to take these developments into account in their development process. The curricula of the teacher trainings are to be adapted to fulfill the guidelines of educational policy, which includes ensuring the acquisition of basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. In this context, the question arises as to how the topic of reading is currently anchored in the curricula of teacher training in Austria. A descriptive evaluation was carried out with the help of a document analysis (curricula of the bachelor's degree courses for obtaining the primary level teaching degree) to evaluate the current status of the higher education development process in this context. All curricula for teaching at the primary level of the university colleges of teacher education in Austria (n=10) were therefore used. In general, it can be stated that the topic of reading is anchored in different ways in the curricula. As a recommendation, the development of evaluation instruments would be important to be able to take further quality assurance measures. This study provides valuable insights into the current status of the higher education development process regarding the educational policy goals of the UN Agenda 2030 action plan.
Keywords: teacher training, ensuring basic skills, sustainable development goals, curriculum analysis, improvements
Cite this article: Florentine Paudel. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN TEACHER TRAINING – AN AUSTRIAN CASE STUDY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 1-11 (2023).
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