Yehudit Salfati
Pages: 209-220
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996140762
Views: 333
Downloads: 27
Abstract: This action research was conducted in the qualitative paradigm. The study examines pre-service teachers' experiences from co-teaching "movement-based learning" (MBL) programs in elementary schools. Ten students from the "Physical Education Training Program" (PETP) and thirty from the "Elementary School Teaching Training Program" (ESTP) participated in the research. The research rationale is based on the concept that Movement is a natural way for children to explore and learn. Using the natural connection between movement and learning by incorporating physical activity into lessons makes learning more fascinating and effective. The research tools included: Twenty observations of lecturers in the lessons taught by the pre-service teacher, a reflective diary that students wrote after each lesson, and semi-structured interviews with ten students. The research questions were: What are the experiences of a pre-service teacher from co-teaching “movement-based learning” in elementary school? How can integrating movement into learning improve pupils' understanding of academic materials? Analysis of the research findings raised three themes: students’ satisfaction with the co- teaching experience and the contribution to the pupils; a sense of success and self-realization from the benefits for children with learning disabilities and a sense of empowerment with the mentors' positive evaluation during the co-teaching MBL.” It was found that the students' experience of co-teaching the MBL was mainly an experience of satisfaction, empowerment, and professional development. The research conclusions indicate that co-teaching promotes quality integrative teaching. Also, there is beyond the importance of the health aspect of physical activity; it contributes to active and effective learning for pupils in general and pupils with learning disabilities in particular. This study hopes to contribute insights to students and teachers to improve the quality of elementary education and promote movement-based teaching methodologies.
Keywords: co-teaching, pre-service teacher, physical activity, higher education, elementary school, movement-based learning
Cite this article: Yehudit Salfati. EXPERIENCE OF STUDENTS FROM DIFFERENT TRAINING PROGRAMS IN CO- TEACHING THAT INTEGRATE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY INTO LEARNING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 209-220 (2023). https://doi.org/10.62991/EA1996140762
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