Marta Slávik
Pages: 242-248
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996146735
Views: 319
Downloads: 23
Abstract: The below article is a short summary of an observation conducted on students of UMCS, Lublin directly after the break of the war in Ukraine. The article shortly describes the concept of political correctness, how its meaning altered along the years, boundaries and vocabulary that should be used as well as the one that should be avoided. The observation was conducted on eight groups of students from various faculties. The examples provided are only some instances among many that occurred during the semester and were carefully chosen on the one hand to maintain the anonymity of the students and on the other hand to show the most significant elements from that period. The theme of the war in Ukraine is just a starter for the discussion on the topics that teachers should or can use in the classroom, and what the consequences may be for participants. The article gives a list of topics that can be used for further consideration on whether to include them in the curriculum or not.
Keywords: war in ukraine, political correctness, teacher’s impact, raising awareness, respect
Cite this article: Marta Slávik. HOW TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT WITH AN INTERNATIONAL GROUP IN TIMES OF THE WAR IN UKRAINE?. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 242-248 (2023).
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