Edita Silerova, Jiri Vanek, Klara Hennyeyova, Eva Kanska
Pages: 61-69
Published: 23 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996182573
Views: 261
Downloads: 40
Abstract: Nowadays, it is necessary for every company to use modern information and communication technology (ICT) for its development and existence. For every company, one of the most important corporate resources is data and information. To process data and information, to increase competitiveness, companies must use a sufficiently developed information base. New information and communication technologies, specialized databases, information systems and the Internet make it possible to obtain the necessary information, analyze it and create qualified strategies and decisions. Nowadays, a company would not be able to achieve competitiveness without purposeful use of ICT. The paper deals with the theoretical issue of the integration of the informatics section into the organizational structure of the company, which will be followed by an examination of a selected sample of companies in the Czech Republic. The investigation will be focused on the analysis of the state of integration of the informatics department into the organizational structure of the monitored companies. At the same time, the amount of expenditure on all informatics in the monitored companies will be determined in connection with the method of managing informatics in the company. The theory indicates the correct inclusion of the informatics section as a separate organizational unit, whose head is directly included in top management. Data, information and knowledge are important for decision-making in all company departments. For a selected sample of companies, an investigation will be conducted into how data and information are obtained in the company. At the end of the contribution, theory and reality are compared on the selected sample and conclusions are suggested about the feasibility of including the informatics section in the organizational structure of the company in relation to the method of financing.
Keywords: data, information, knowledge, information systems, informatics management
Cite this article: Edita Silerova, Jiri Vanek, Klara Hennyeyova, Eva Kanska. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN RELATION TO THE QUALITY OF INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 17, 61-69 (2023).
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