Violeta Makareviciene, Egle Sendzikiene, Milda Gumbyte
Pages: 100-108
Published: 1 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/ES1996232348
Views: 352
Downloads: 31
Abstract: During the production of biodiesel, a by-product - the glycerol phase is formed (about 10% of the obtained biodiesel). The interesterification of vegetable oil using carboxylate esters of low molecular weight does not produce glycerol, instead its compounds (mono-, di- and triformyl glycerides) are obtained in a mixture with fatty acid alkyl esters (conventional biodiesel). Such a product can be used as fuel for diesel engines. The aim of the work was to investigate the possibilities of application of methyl formate in the biotechnological production of biodiesel. The industrial enzyme preparation Lipozyme TL IM was used as a catalyst for interesterification. The influence of the amount of catalyst, the molar ratio of methyl formate to oil and the duration of the process on the yield of biodiesel was evaluated. The highest yield of rapeseed oil methyl esters was obtained under the following conditions: 14-15% of the enzyme preparation Lipozyme TL IM (based on the weight of the oil), molar ratio of methyl formate to oil - 40:1, duration - 60 h. Under these conditions, an 81.6% yield of rapeseed oil methyl esters was obtained.
Keywords: biodiesel, methyl formate, interesterification, lipase
Cite this article: Violeta Makareviciene, Egle Sendzikiene, Milda Gumbyte. INTERESTERIFICATION OF RAPESEED OIL WITH METHYL FORMATE FOR PRODUCTION OF INNOVATIVE BIODIESEL FUEL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 17, 100-108 (2023).
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