Nermin Başaran, Pinar Gültekin, Yaşar Selman Gültekin
Pages: 135-148
Published: 1 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/ES1996240312
Views: 278
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Abstract: Carbon-source and carbon-sink estimations are crucial important for carbon-emissions reduction. Although urban areas cover less than 2% of the earth's surface they are known carbon sources responsible of 80% of the world's anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs). The methodologies for carbon footprint calculations are expressed a measure used to assess the amount of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions based on tons of CO2 equivalent, and emerging as an important tool for greenhouse gas management. Besides increased efforts to reduce carbon footprint from cities, there is the alternative possibility to remove some atmospheric CO2 by sequestering it within forest ecosystems. Forest ecosystems can sequester and store a large amount of carbon in cities. In this study, it is focused on potentially do Duzce city green gas emissions and available sinks assessment. In the first step, it is calculated “Carbon Footprint” by using greenhouse gas emission calculator that developed by UNFCCC. Then it is identified urban carbon sources such as human respiration, industrial fossil-fuel consumption, electricity-heating-cooling consumption, water consumption and transportation. In the second step, it is estimated potential of carbon storage forest ecosystems urban and sub urban areas by used a GIS-based approach. Although forest areas cover 50,2% of Düzce, industrial and agricultural activities and rapid urbanization, overconsumption lead to increase greenhouse gas emission and ecological balance is disturbed. The most effective way to reduce emissions is afforestation. When evaluating in the context of climate change mitigation, sustainable afforestation studies in urban forests should be accelerated. Within the scope of the study, it is recommended for a sustainable future to give importance to industrial afforestation studies with fast-growing domestic or foreign forest tree species in forest and non-forest areas in urban areas.
Keywords: climate change mitigation, carbon footprint, gis-based approach, planting for future, urban forests
Cite this article: Nermin Başaran, Pinar Gültekin, Yaşar Selman Gültekin. EVALUATION OF DÜZCE URBAN FORESTS’ CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION POTENTIAL WITH MEASURING URBAN CARBON FOOTPRINT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 17, 135-148 (2023). https://doi.org/10.62991/ES1996240312
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