Vladimir Sabadoš, Danijela Žunić
Pages: 219-225
Published: 13 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/AF1996306015
Views: 331
Downloads: 33
Abstract: In 2007, the Agricultural Extension Service "Sombor" in cooperation with the Ministry launched the pilot project "Save the old Vojvodina vegetable varieties". A large number of elementary school students participated in the campaign, and 5296 samples were collected. All samples have been determined, entered into the database and sown on a sample field. Every year, an analysis of selected samples was done with short descriptions of the varieties. In previous years, we selected the most interesting varieties and described them in more detail. In this paper, we would like to present the old authentic varieties of tomatoes that we singled out as the most interesting.
Keywords: old variety, tomato, vegetable production, yield
Cite this article: Vladimir Sabadoš, Danijela Žunić. CHARACTERISTICS OF PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION OF OLD AUTOCHTHONOUS TOMATO VARIETIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 11, 219-225 (2023).
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