Bianca Chiper, Crina Turcu, Roxana Ionașcu, Mădălina Olaru, Zonnya Stângă, Nelu Popa, Cosmin Hurjui
Pages: 346-355
Published: 13 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/AF1996331898
Views: 334
Downloads: 38
Abstract: In this scientific work, we present results obtained in wheat and corn culture, during the period 2013- 2022, at the "Mircea Moțoc" Perieni Soil Erosion Research and Development Station, through fertilization with several types of organo-mineral fertilizers. The effect of long term (10 years) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization upon soil fertility and yield, was followed with doses 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N/ha and 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 kg P/ha doses. Long term fertilization led to a statistically significant increase of grain yield. The research carried out highlighted the fact that the rational use of chemical and organic fertilizers, offers the possibility of restoring the fertility of eroded soils in a short period of time, simultaneously with the important increase in production, depending on the type of soil, the degree of erosion and the doses of fertilizers applied. Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers, are intended especially for ameliorative and soil protection treatments against water and wind erosion. By using organo-mineral fertilizers, erosion is reduced by 30%. By fertilizing with one ton of organo-mineral fertilizers, between three and eight tons of natural fertilizers are substituted and more than five hundred kilograms per hectares of humic acids and synthetic polymers are incorporated into the soil.
Keywords: long term fertilization, production, organic and chemical fertilizers, wheat and corn culture, soil fertility
Cite this article: Bianca Chiper, Crina Turcu, Roxana Ionașcu, Mădălina Olaru, Zonnya Stângă, Nelu Popa, Cosmin Hurjui. LONG-TERM RESEARCH ON THE STUDY OF WHEAT AND CORN FERTILIZATION ON SLOPE LANDS IN BARLAD PLATEAU, ROMANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 11, 346-355 (2023). https://doi.org/10.62991/AF1996331898
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