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Agriculture & Food 2025, 13th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Agriculture & Food, Volume 11, 2023

E. Barcanu, O. Agapie, I. Gherase, B. Tanase, G. Dobre
Pages: 366-380
Published: 13 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/AF1996335880
Views: 395
Downloads: 65
Abstract: Organic farming has become a significant objective of the European Commission, and by 2030, EU member countries are required to find solutions to achieve the target of at least 25% of agricultural land being used for organic crops. As the area dedicated to organic farming continues to grow, there is a growing demand for cultivars that are optimized for this type of agricultural environment. Numerous studies have demonstrated that crop phenotypes can react differently when cultivated under different management systems, such as conventional versus organic. This has sparked a worldwide debate about whether we should develop cultivars exclusively for organic farming or if we can select suitable cultivars from conventional varieties for organic growing conditions. At the Vegetable Research Development Station Buzau, we have selected eleven cultivars of tomatoes (Siriana, Ema de Buzau, Flaviola, Ovidia, Hera, Andrada, Măriuca, Darsirius, Chihlimbar, Kristinica, Florina), five cultivars of peppers (Regal, Cantemir, A50, Roial, Decebal), and five cultivars of aubergine (Rebeca, Iarina, Romanița, H13Bz, H2Bz) that are typically suited for conventional farming. These cultivars were tested under organic farming conditions to investigate how genotypes interact in distinct growing systems and how this may impact yield and quality potential. Based on our study, we have drawn several conclusions. Darsirius has exhibited high ecological plasticity in both organic and conventional farming. Regal has shown uniform yields and fruits with high nutritional values in both growing systems. Rebeca has displayed tolerance to pest pathogens and has maintained stable yields under the studied systems. These findings are valuable for the ongoing efforts to develop cultivars that thrive in organic farming conditions and contribute to meeting the EU's organic farming goals. Additionally, they shed light on the adaptability of specific cultivars to different agricultural systems and offer insights into maximizing yield and quality potential under organic cultivation practices.
Keywords: capsicum annuum, conventional farming, ecological farming, solanum lycopersicum, solanum melongena
Cite this article: E. Barcanu, O. Agapie, I. Gherase, B. Tanase, G. Dobre. EVALUATING CULTIVARS FOR ORGANIC FARMING: TOMATOES, PEPPERS AND AUBERGINE IN SOUTH ROMANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 11, 366-380 (2023).
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