Liuba Botezatu
Strony: 503-521
Opublikowano: 19 Dec 2022
Wyświetlenia: 473
Pobrania: 46
Streszczenie: The main purpose of interdisciplinarity, which concerns us in an advanced specific context: philology, ethics, aesthetics, logistics, pedagogy, psychology, historiology, philosophy of education - philosophy of creativity, is one of advancement in professional specifics, formation of philological culture, from TMSC / special theory and methodology towards TMGC / general theory and methodology of creativity. Prepared for the targeted interdisciplinary engagement, philological training in the format of representative transgression defines as: (*) Open curricular process of value efficiency and self-efficiency: interest-effort-knowledge-value judgment; employment in experiential-exercise self-assessment. (*) Emerging axiological product, focused on the formation of a specific creative style: the individual - principle, project, integrative experience. (*) The art of professional fulfillment - from TMSC to TMGC. (*) Phenomenal advancement. The alternation of multiple intelligences (J.P. Guilford) - multiple graces (L. Botezatu) mobilizes in the entire content of this to demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrationist-associationist relationship: TMSC - TMGC to revalue the estimated potential, compared to TMVPF - MECA.
Słowa kluczowe: didactics of the specialty, intertransdisciplinarity, trsm, theory of resignation of the managerial style, tmuvs, theory and methodology of the value
Cytowanie artykułu: Liuba Botezatu. THE PRINCIPLE OF GLOBAL AXIOLOGY IN THE FORMAT OF PHILOLOGOCENTRIC CULTURE: OBJECTIVES - PURPOSES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 503-521 (2022).
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