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Economy & Business

ISSN 1314-7242 (online)

Economy & Business is dedicated to publishing research on key economic and business topics. It covers areas such as global economic challenges, post-pandemic recovery, trade dynamics, fiscal policies, and the balance between globalization and protectionism. The journal also explores business management subjects including mergers and acquisitions, innovation, digital transformation, and sustainable growth. The core content of the journal consists of papers presented at the annual Economy & Business conference.

Все выпуски, опубликованные до 31 декабря 2013 года, перемещены в Архив в результате изменений в структуре научного журнала.

Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities Responsible Growth and Inclusive Economies Innovation, Technology, and the Future of Work Entrepreneurship, Management, and New Business Models Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Индексация журнала
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) IDEAS EconPapers EconBiz EZB CiteSeerX Semantic Scholar Base Crossref Portico
Главный редактор
Prof. Renata Novakova
Prof. Renata Novakova
Ambis University, Czech Republic
Prof. Abil Yerlan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abil Yerlan
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Члены редакционной коллегии
Aleksander Aristovnik
Prof. Aleksander Aristovnik
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cristina Bianca Pocol
Prof. Cristina Bianca Pocol
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Daniela Ilieva
Prof. Daniela Ilieva
VUZF University, Bulgaria
Fazil Gokgoz
Prof. Fazil Gokgoz
Ankara University, Turkey
Fran Galetic
Asst. Prof. Fran Galetic
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Ivan Jeliazkov
Prof. Ivan Jeliazkov
University of California, USA
Julia Dobreva
Prof. Julia Dobreva
VUZF University, Bulgaria
Maia Seturi
Prof. Maia Seturi
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Mirela Cristea
Prof. Mirela Cristea
University of Craiova, Romania
Mustafa Kara
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kara
Istanbul Rumeli University, Turkey
Radim Valencik
Assoc. Prof. Radim Valencik
University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic
Silvia Trifonova
Prof. Dr. Silvia Trifonova
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
Virginia Zhelyazkova
Prof. Virginia Zhelyazkova
VUZF University, Bulgaria

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