Ľudmila Jančovičová
Strony: 129-138
Opublikowano: 25 Aug 2014
Wyświetlenia: 3,402
Pobrania: 3,254
Streszczenie: The submitted paper deals with the structural approach to verb complementation in English, both from the theoretical and practical viewpoints. The different approaches to verb complementation presented in the sources of literature dealing specifically with the issue of verb complementation are discussed in the paper. Furthermore, the necessary attention is devoted to different terminology used by linguists discussing verb complementation in their grammar books. Various verb classes, their complementation patterns and grammatical realisation of clause elements in complementation patterns are discussed too. The paper also deals with the verbs which can be used in several complementation patterns, sometimes with the difference in the meaning. The opinions of linguists are supported by authentic example sentences.
Słowa kluczowe: verb complementation, structural approach to verb complementation, types of verb complementation, complements, adjuncts, complementation patterns, gra
Cytowanie artykułu: Ľudmila Jančovičová. THE STRUCTURAL APPROACH TO VERB COMPLEMENTATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 8, 129-138 (2014).
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