Maura Marinozzi, Roccaldo Sardella, Stefania Scorzoni, Federica Ianni, Antonella Lisanti, Benedetto Natalini
Strony: 532-541
Opublikowano: 10 Oct 2014
Wyświetlenia: 3,203
Pobrania: 3,429
Streszczenie: In the frame of a broad multidisciplinary study aimed at enlightening the peculiarities of three onion cultivars (Dorata di Parma, Borettana and Rossa di Toscana) when harvested in Cannara (Italy), the estimation of pungency (in terms of pyruvic acid content), total titratable acidity, pH, and ascorbic acid content was carried out. Rossa di Toscana contains the lowest pyruvic acid amount (4.24 mg/100 g fresh weight, FW), whereas no statistically significant differences emernge between the other two varieties (5.41 mg/100 g FW for Dorata di Parma and 4.99 mg/100 g FW for Borettana). The Dorata di Parma shows the highest mean pH value. Accordingly, Dorata di Parma presents the lowest mean acidity with regard to the Borettana and Rossa di Toscana cultivars. The mean ascorbic acid concentration spread between 3.92 and 4.77 mg/100 g FW with no statistically significant differences among the three cultivars.
Słowa kluczowe: food analysis, italian onion varieties, pungency, pyruvic acid content, varietal differences, method validation
Cytowanie artykułu: Maura Marinozzi, Roccaldo Sardella, Stefania Scorzoni, Federica Ianni, Antonella Lisanti, Benedetto Natalini. VALIDATED PUNGENCY ASSESSMENT OF THREE ITALIAN ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) CULTIVARS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 532-541 (2014).
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