Daniela Palaščáková, Gabriela Koľveková
Strony: 130-141
Opublikowano: 1 Jun 2017
Wyświetlenia: 2,052
Pobrania: 456
Streszczenie: Waste management in all its forms is one of many domains that contributes heavily to an existing environmental situation. European waste management and its development trends are followed by new member states of European Union that fall behind about five or even ten years. The main causes of pollution in environment in Slovakia are: high rate of waste generation, high proportion of solid waste and its relatively low level of recycling and reuse as a secondary source and unsystematic waste management, to name but a few. The aim of the paper is to point out alternatives feasible for use in improving waste management in Slovakia. Alternatives come out of comparison with Germany. At the same time, alternatives were conditioned as an optimum between sustainable development and costs need to implement such alternative solutions, which were suggested in order to improve situation in waste management.
Słowa kluczowe: waste management, recycling, landfilling, environment
Cytowanie artykułu: Daniela Palaščáková, Gabriela Koľveková. ALTERNATIVES IN WASTE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT IN SLOVAKIA COMPARED TO GERMANY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 130-141 (2017).
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