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Ecology & Safety 2025, 34th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Ecology & Safety, Volume 11, 2017

Lali Gurchumelia, Murman Tsarakhov, Felix Bejanov, Lasha Tkemaladze, Olga Chudakova
Strony: 322-328
Opublikowano: 1 Jun 2017
Wyświetlenia: 1,945
Pobrania: 388
Streszczenie: The aim of the presented investigation is the elaboration of non-halogen, eco-safe, high-efficient, inexpensive and universal fire- extinguishing powders on the basis of local mineral raw materials, which will have good compatibility with water and foams. Thus, foam-suspensions elaborated on the basis of the received powders, will have higher extinguishing ability than water, foams or powders taken separately. Such powders prepared by mechanical treatment and blending of raw materials do not require modification with expensive, halogeninclusive hydrofobizators. On the one hand it simplifies technological process of production of powder and on the other hand decreases prices of powder. The received powders are characterized with high performance characteristics, as well as, high fire-extinguishing ability. Therefore they can be successfully used at extinguishing of all classes of fires in underground and aboveground objects, as well as, in complex with water and foams for extinguishing of large scale fires – forest fires.
Słowa kluczowe: non-halogen, eco-safe, fire-extinguishing powders, foam-suspensions, performance properties, fire extinguishing ability
Cytowanie artykułu: Lali Gurchumelia, Murman Tsarakhov, Felix Bejanov, Lasha Tkemaladze, Olga Chudakova. NEW TYPES, HALOGEN LESS, ECO-SAFE FIRE-EXTINGUISHING POWDERS AND FOAM-SUSPENSIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 11, 322-328 (2017).
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