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Language, Individual & Society 2025, 19th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Language, Individual & Society, Volume 13, 2019

Noor Farihah Mohd Noor, Mardzelah Binti Makhsin
Strony: 165-172
Opublikowano: 7 Oct 2019
Wyświetlenia: 1,078
Pobrania: 101
Streszczenie: Accountability requires a constitutionalism of human rights and the empowerment of judiciaries to enforce and protect the human rights. Human rights have been constitutionalised and the court was granted specific powers of judicial review to enforce the value of these rights by policing the actions of legislature and executive branches of government. Safeguarding the people from being oppress thus contributes to fairness. This paper attempted to discuss the principles under Judicial Review and how it works to regulate the government towards accountability. How these misconducts are controlled to instill fairness and accountability? The discussion will focus on the principles under Judicial Review such as natural justice and ultra vires that have a profound effect on accountability. The emerging pattern shown in USA and Malaysia and the capitalization of judicial review to breed civility. These will elucidate the level of accountability in the given society whether high or moderate.
Słowa kluczowe: accountability, judicial review, natural justice, ultra vires
Cytowanie artykułu: Noor Farihah Mohd Noor, Mardzelah Binti Makhsin. CAPTURING ACCOUNTABILITY, THE WAY FORWARD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 13, 165-172 (2019).
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