Kostas Katsoulis
Strony: 65-69
Opublikowano: 18 Sep 2021
Wyświetlenia: 753
Pobrania: 78
Streszczenie: A lot of reviews highlight the need of utilization of agricultural by-products. Cotton is a crop of high importance for Greek agricultural production. Greece is the EU’s main cotton grower, accounting for more than eighty percent of total European production. However, in Greece cotton by-products are considered as useless waste and remain unused. The woody parts of cotton and its by-products (stalk, broken fibers, cake), as well as the crop residues (nuts, leaves) are not utilized, so they are either thrown away from the gins or remain unused in the field. Their composition mainly in carbohydrates and raw fibers (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose), fats, proteins and minerals and their low to zero purchase prices require their use as feed additives in poultry diet. For this reason, the chemical composition of these by-products was determined to develop a proper feeding system for aviculture. Our results showed high protein and lignocellulose content in cotton by-products. Cotton residues of cake and seed can offer an important supply of energy in poultry diet attributed to contents of nitrogen and ether extract while cotton stalk and nut contained high soluble fiber levels.
Słowa kluczowe: cotton byproducts, poultry diet, feed additives, crop residues
Cytowanie artykułu: Kostas Katsoulis. UTILIZATION OF COTTON CROP RESIDUES (SEEDS, NUTS, LEAVES) AND BYPRODUCTS (STALKS, BROKEN FIBERS, CAKE) AS FEED ADDITIVES IN POULTRY DIET. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 9, 65-69 (2021). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1002143/
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