Clarissa Kirschbichler
Strony: 262-272 Opublikowano: 8 Oct 2022
Wyświetlenia: 422 Pobrania: 28
Streszczenie: Whistleblowing is a concept of individuals revealing misconducts done in an organizational environment. The factors of what influences whistleblowers have been researched extensively in the past years. This paper should provide an oversight of literature conducted to the topic and furthermore link it to the factor of ethical leadership. Moral and ethics have been discovered as crucial triggers when it comes to blowing the whistle. The influence of an ethical environment on a potential whistleblower is analysed as well as factors enhancing the ethical decision to step forward and report misconducts. Results of different empirical studies are compared to answer the question of how ethical leadership impacts whistleblowing.
Słowa kluczowe: ethical leadership, whistleblowing
Cytowanie artykułu: Clarissa Kirschbichler. ETHICAL LEADERSHIP AND ITS IMPACT ON WHISTLEBLOWING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 262-272 (2022).
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