Sheinkman Marina, Dzharagetti Anastasia
Strony: 500-505
Opublikowano: 23 Nov 2022
Wyświetlenia: 406
Pobrania: 31
Streszczenie: In this study, it was important to make preliminary estimates based on the results of 2019-2020. volume of the Latvian b2c market of online education, correlate with the average annual growth rate. Relevant indicators in the b2c segment were noted, including additional training paid for by the employer, but not b2b-transaction. The penetration of online technologies into general secondary education has been detected.
Słowa kluczowe: b2b market, latvian market b2c online education, edtech education, balticnet school
Cytowanie artykułu: Sheinkman Marina, Dzharagetti Anastasia. DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE EDUCATION AND ONLINE SCHOOL MARKET IN LATVIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 16, 500-505 (2022).
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