Mustafa Kara, Nurullah Arikan, Mustafa Sercan Çakmak
Strony: 240-249
Opublikowano: 23 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996212438
Wyświetlenia: 370
Pobrania: 44
Streszczenie: In this study, the activities of health tourism businesses in Istanbul will be examined. The study examines the health tourism sector and the potential of Istanbul, and evaluates the functioning, services, customer satisfaction and future potential of health tourism companies operating in Istanbul. The aim of the study is to provide in-depth information about the activities of health tourism businesses and to evaluate the future growth potential of the sector. Therefore, it has been determined that health tourism businesses in Istanbul are in a good position and promising for the future. However, it was also emphasized that quality standards and customer satisfaction should be improved. The data shows that Istanbul's health tourism sector is growing rapidly and various health service providers have benefited greatly from this expansion. These agencies collaborate with healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics, thermal and spa centers to offer various healthcare services to foreign patients. These services include dentistry, cancer care, cardiac surgery and other medical procedures. In the study, the operation and functioning of health tourism agencies in Istanbul were examined in detail. The duties of the agencies include bringing patients to Istanbul, providing accommodation, transporting clients to and from the airport, arranging medical appointments and providing translation services. Agents are also responsible for how long their clients spend in Istanbul and customer satisfaction is very important. The findings of the study show that Istanbul is an area for future expansion of health tourism businesses. However, agencies should continue to improve customer satisfaction and service quality. The higher the service quality of agencies, the more likely customers are to choose health tourism in Istanbul. Agencies should therefore take the necessary actions to raise the quality standards of their services and continue their customer-oriented work.
Słowa kluczowe: health tourism, agency, istanbul, medical tourism
Cytowanie artykułu: Mustafa Kara, Nurullah Arikan, Mustafa Sercan Çakmak. ACTIVITY ANALYSIS OF HEALTH TOURISM AGENCIES: AN APPLICATION ON HEALTH TOURISM AGENCIES IN ISTANBUL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 17, 240-249 (2023).
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