Małgotrzata B. Okręglicka
Pagini: 696-706
Publicat: 29 Aug 2014
Vizualizări: 3,168
Descărcări: 1,487
Rezumat: Working capital is the most liquid and dynamic component of total assets. Working capital management, as the core content of short-term corporate finance, is vital to enterprises' survival and development. This article aims to highlight the impact of the economic recession in the economy at the enterprises' working capital and strategy of its management. It is suggested that working capital requirements and liquidity needs increase for firms when the economy is in poor economic conditions or is in recession. This article focuses on the analysis of the changes in working capital management and based on financial data of companies in Poland.
Cuvinte cheie: working capital management, recession, liquidity, poland
Citează acest articol: Małgotrzata B. Okręglicka. THE ECONOMIC RECESSION AND WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES IN POLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 8, 696-706 (2014).
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