Silviya M. Mladenova
Pagini: 256-262
Publicat: 4 Sep 2014
Vizualizări: 3,072
Descărcări: 824
Rezumat: Society humanity is judged by its attitude towards the vulnerable, one of which is the group is people with disabilities. The aim of the study is to investigate the attitudes and relations towards people with disabilities and the possibilities for their social protection. Materials and methods: We carried out a standardized survey among 52 students studying in the specialty "Management of health care". These are students with a basic medical specialty who work as health professionals. The results show that the respondents are not sufficiently aware of the opportunities for social protection and safety of the disabled. The majority of respondents believe that people with disabilities have the necessity of a so-called personal assistant whom they can use when it is needed. They also share the opinion that Aids for people with disabilities are insufficient.
Cuvinte cheie: people with disabilities, socialization, integration, safety possibilities
Citează acest articol: Silviya M. Mladenova. SAFETY POSSIBILITIES, SOCIALIZATION, AND INTEGRATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 12, 256-262 (2014).
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