Łukasz Żabski
Pagini: 210-215
Publicat: 21 Aug 2015
Vizualizări: 2,959
Descărcări: 485
Rezumat: The main aim of this article is to present the characteristics of municipal companies in Poland. To achieve that purpose the analysis and critique of the literature, as well as an analysis of the structure of the municipal sector in Poland, based on the statement of the Ministry of Treasury, were made. Descriptive and statistical method were used in the interpretation of the study. In addition, key measures are shown in tables and graphs.
Cuvinte cheie: municipal economy, companies, municipal companies
Citează acest articol: Łukasz Żabski. MUNICIPAL COMPANIES IN POLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 210-215 (2015).
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