Brikend Aziri
Pagini: 337-342
Publicat: 21 Aug 2015
Vizualizări: 2,662
Descărcări: 640
Rezumat: Quality and managing quality are an ever discussable topics in scientific and business circles likewise. Product and service quality alongside price is without any doubt the most crucial factors in gaining and maintaining a proper market share. Although much has been researched and studied when it comes to big business, specially in developed countries, much has remained to be analysed in the case of SME’s, specially in developing countries such as the Republic of Macedonia. The main rationale behind the paper is to provide initial data regarding the state of quality and managing quality in SME’s in the Pollog region, one of the least developed ones but at the same time one of the most specific ones in the Republic of Macedonia.
Cuvinte cheie: quality management, sme’s, pollog region
Citează acest articol: Brikend Aziri. MANAGING QUALITY: WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIZES ON SME’S IN THE POLLOG REGION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 337-342 (2015).
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