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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 13, 2015

T. V. Matveeva, N. V. Mashkova, O. V. Obuchov, Y. A. Matveeva
Pagini: 532-537
Publicat: 27 Aug 2015
Vizualizări: 2,749
Descărcări: 389
Rezumat: The purpose of this article is to identify the organizational and legal problems of professional and public accreditation of additional professional education programs in Russia and the development opportunities of this institution in modern conditions. The scientific research problem was to justify the need for professional and public accreditation of additional professional education programs of modern universities on the basis of delegation of procedures for evaluating the quality of education by public authorities to the public expert organizations, which ensure the independence and objectivity of the decisions made by qualified experts using a standardized assessment tools and tech to meet the needs of all parties concerned for highly qualified professionals. The practical significance of the results of the study is that the scientifically based knowledge of professional public accreditation and evaluation systems are the basis for the development of mechanisms to ensure objectivity, credibility and transparency of the evaluation procedures; defines guidelines for accreditation institutions, expert committees, education authorities, managers and employees of educational institutions implementing programs of additional professional education. Systematic experience in evaluation of additional professional education institutions is prepared for the use in the system of management development.
Cuvinte cheie: additional professional education, professional public accreditation, consumers of educational services, labor market, education program
Citează acest articol: T. V. Matveeva, N. V. Mashkova, O. V. Obuchov, Y. A. Matveeva. ORGANIZATION OF BUSINESS EDUCATION IN URFU: THE EXPERIENCE OF PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC ACCREDITATION OF PROGRAMS OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 532-537 (2015).
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