Miona G. Miljković, Aleksandra R. Nešić, Slađana Z. Davidović, Neda R. Radovanović, Suzana I. Dimitrijević
Pagini: 131-138
Publicat: 17 Jul 2017
Vizualizări: 1,756
Descărcări: 208
Rezumat: In this work, the pectin/oregano oil nanoemulsion coatings were investigated, in order to prolong the shelf-life of cheese. The water vapor barrier, mechanical and antimicrobial activity of prepared nanoemulsion coatings were examined. In addition, the textural properties of uncoated and pectin/oregano oil coated cheeses were followed for 2 weeks. The results showed that obtained coatings possessed high antimicrobial activity toward E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans and satisfied mechanical and water vapor barrier resistance. The coatings were also effective on reducing losses of weight and firmness of cheeses. Overall, antimicrobial nanoemulsion/edible films from renewable sources were successfully produced and showed high potential to be applicable in food industry to prolong the shelf-life of cheeses.
Cuvinte cheie: oregano oil, edible coating, pectin
Citează acest articol: Miona G. Miljković, Aleksandra R. Nešić, Slađana Z. Davidović, Neda R. Radovanović, Suzana I. Dimitrijević. THE USE OF NANOEMULSION-BASED EDIBLE COATINGS TO PROLONG THE SHELF-LIFE OF CHEESE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 5, 131-138 (2017).
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