Maia Seturi
Pagini: 424-432
Publicat: 22 Aug 2017
Vizualizări: 2,352
Descărcări: 460
Rezumat: Successful brand in the present-day conditions is not just well selected and original name or mark. Loyalty of consumers is connected to success of the brand in the market. It is very difficult for a brand to find success and then to maintain it. It requires constant attention, gathering of information, analysis and taking of right decisions. The difficulty is that the brand constitutes a set of different aspects and elements. The aim of the research was to study the attitude of consumers to Georgian brands at Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) consumer market. Proceeding from the goal of this research the tasks of the study were: to determine consumer evaluations about Georgian brands and their separate components; to find out the attitude of consumers to the advantages of Georgian brands, associations of consumers concerning successful brands. As a result of the marketing research successful Georgian brands at Tbilisi consumer market were determined. In the process of their evaluation the several characteristics were taken into consideration. The research method was of exploratory and descriptive nature. In the conclusive part of the work are given research results, conclusions and recommendations.
Cuvinte cheie: branding, brand awareness, brand image, marketing research, successful brand
Citează acest articol: Maia Seturi. BRAND AWARENESS AND SUCCESS IN THE MARKET. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 11, 424-432 (2017).
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