Pascual Noradino Montes Dorantes, Marco Aurelio Jiménez Gómez, Adriana Mexicano Santoyo, Gerardo Maximiliano Méndez
Pagini: 181-191
Publicat: 31 Aug 2017
Vizualizări: 1,960
Descărcări: 360
Rezumat: The knowledge management is one of the most important tasks in education. The main problem presented in this process is the transmission of the knowledge and the understanding of the student. In this area, the interpretation produces variations of a concept and this condition produces errors. The use of the expert systems provides an interpretation with a degree of freedom to evaluate a concept and allows the knowledge management without expertise. The results obtained show that the expert approach provides an evaluation with a tolerable variation accepted by the principal organizations dedicated to measurement and standardization.
Cuvinte cheie: knowledge management, uncertainty reduction, t1 sfls, fuzzy, teaching-learning process
Citează acest articol: Pascual Noradino Montes Dorantes, Marco Aurelio Jiménez Gómez, Adriana Mexicano Santoyo, Gerardo Maximiliano Méndez. FUZZY LOOK-UP TABLE FOR KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND DECISION MAKING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 181-191 (2017). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001574/
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