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Education, Research & Development 2025, 16th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Educational Alternatives, Volume 15, 2017

Abdullah Düvenci, Zeynep Taçgın, Aliye Saraç
Pagini: 379-390
Publicat: 31 Aug 2017
Vizualizări: 1,862
Descărcări: 272
Rezumat: This study aims to develop a mobile EPSS application for overcoming the problems of a newly established distance education center. It has been conducted with 12 employees, including the instructional designers and staff members of Marmara University Distance Education Center (DEC) as participants. Two different qualitative methods have been used to collect data: pre-interviews and focus-group interviews. The pre-interview has been conducted with the team leader of DEC, which has been followed by the establishment of a focus group in order to determine DEC's impediments on Performance Improvement (PI). Data collected in the form of inscribed notes and audio recording have been transferred to computer system. Afterwards, data observed by researchers indicated that the problems fell into several categories in accordance with PESTLE analysis such as: managerial problems, academician-related problems, problems related to student demands, problems due to inadequate promotion, strategic problems, and lastly, supportive problems. On the final stage, a mobile application has been developed to address problems regarding communication, motivation, transparency and organizational development. The features of the application include: a shared calendar, a communication interface, a link to the DEC homepage, links to important social media accounts and a section announcing the lecturer of the month. The downloaded ratio of the developed EPSS indicate the necessity of this system and reviews reflect the new features that should be added to increase performance of DEC.
Cuvinte cheie: epss, human performance technology, higher education, distance education, mobile application
Citează acest articol: Abdullah Düvenci, Zeynep Taçgın, Aliye Saraç. MOBILE EPSS FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION CENTERS: A SAMPLE STUDY TO OVERCOME IMPEDIMENTS OF MARMARA UNIVERSITY DISTANCE EDUCATION CENTER. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 15, 379-390 (2017).
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