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Materials, Methods & Technologies 2025, 27th International Conference
14-17 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Materials, Methods & Technologies, Volume 13, 2019

Alexander Sychev
Pagini: 292-300
Publicat: 18 Sep 2019
Vizualizări: 1,056
Descărcări: 117
Rezumat: Neural connections between photoreceptors, horizontal and bipolar cells in the structure of the retina with the “on”(“off”)-center are analyzed. A logical equivalent of these elements and a two-threshold model of excitation of a bipolar cell are proposed. A comparative correlation analysis of threshold models of artificial neurons and a white noise filter is demonstrated. The spectral algorithm for the synthesis of an artificial bipolar neuron is described. The high efficiency of application in a switching neurostructures of the logical analogue of a structure with the “on”(“off”)-center is noted.
Cuvinte cheie: structure with “on” (“off”) - center, bipolar cell, correlation analysis, noise filter
Citează acest articol: Alexander Sychev. LOGICAL MODELLING AND CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF THE RETINA NEURAL STRUCTURES WITH “ON” (“OFF”)-CENTER. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 13, 292-300 (2019).
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