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Language, Individual & Society 2025, 19th International Conference
20-23 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Language, Individual & Society, Volume 14, 2020

Paulina Tsvetanova Tsvetkova, Mayiana Mitevska
Pagini: 39-49
Publicat: 16 Sep 2020
Vizualizări: 934
Descărcări: 94
Rezumat: The aim of this paper is to present the dominant career orientation in early adulthood. A total of 463 Bulgarian secondary and university students (254 males, 209 females), aged 15-24 years, were included in the study. The Big six method for career choices was administered, adapted for Bulgarian conditions by S. Karabelyova (Karabelyova, 2015). Differences in the score values of the types were found in the hexagon model of the career preferences. The structure of the career profiles is irregular hexagon in both groups- the group of the secondary students and the group of the university ones. When examining variations in the different types of career choices, the following trends were identified: the conventional type is relatively more stable, since it differentiates significantly from gender, age and the group of the respondents. The investigative and the social type are the most variable.
Cuvinte cheie: career choices, early adulthood, big six, secondary students, university students
Citează acest articol: Paulina Tsvetanova Tsvetkova, Mayiana Mitevska. CAREER CHOICES IN EARLY ADULTHOOD - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 14, 39-49 (2020).
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