Baogui Du, Jonghyok Pak, Hyonchol Ri
Pagini: 234-241
Publicat: 13 May 2021
Vizualizări: 736
Descărcări: 53
Rezumat: How to cultivate talents with both theory and practice to actively contribute to the future development and revival of the country? This is a fundamental and important task that should be held as a strategic task not only in countries with advanced science and technology but also in those with backward science and technology. Therefore, this paper studies the strategies and methods of cultivating high-tech talents in developed countries and discusses some problems that are helpful to cultivating every country's high-tech talents. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the role of teachers and students whose are the main bodies of the cultivating of high-tech talents in universities, continuously improve the content and methods of education while carrying out information technology-based teaching methods, and improve the social institutional measures that can make contributions to the cultivating of talents.
Cuvinte cheie: high-tech talents, talent cultivating strategy, talent cultivating main body, talent cultivating environment
Citează acest articol: Baogui Du, Jonghyok Pak, Hyonchol Ri. RESEARCH ON IMPROVEMENT IN THE CULTIVATING OF HIGH-TECH TALENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 18, 234-241 (2021).
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