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Materials, Methods & Technologies 2025, 27th International Conference
14-17 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Materials, Methods & Technologies, Volume 16, 2022

Tao Yang, Mohanapriya Venkataraman, Michal Petrů, Ivan Mašín, Yuanfeng Wang, Lizhu Hu, Jiří Militký
Pagini: 141-148
Publicat: 16 Nov 2022
Vizualizări: 441
Descărcări: 45
Rezumat: It is necessary to precisely determine the structural parameters (i.e., porosity, thickness and fiber diameter) of nanofibrous materials. However, the currently used direct methods are either complicated or inaccurate. One of the indirect methods, inverse characterization, is the alternative to obtaining the structural parameters. The inverse characterization based on the airflow penetration behavior of nanofibrous materials is implemented in this work. The Kozeny-type and Ergun-type equations are selected as the models involved in the inverse characterization. An open-source MATLAB-based app is used to carry out the inverse characterization. The results show that the Kozeny-type equation is feasible for nanofibrous materials, and the results are more accurate compared with the values obtained with the help of the Ergun-type equation. The findings indicate that the airflow method is suitable for nanofibrous materials.
Cuvinte cheie: nanofibrous materials, inverse characterization, structural parameters, airflow
Citează acest articol: Tao Yang, Mohanapriya Venkataraman, Michal Petrů, Ivan Mašín, Yuanfeng Wang, Lizhu Hu, Jiří Militký. A SIMPLE AND PRECISE METHOD TO SIMULTANEOUSLY DETERMINE THE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF NANOFIBROUS MATERIALS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 141-148 (2022).
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