Mihaela P. Harper
Pagini: 142-150
Publicat: 19 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/LIS1996096960
Vizualizări: 361
Descărcări: 26
Rezumat: Is the American West ‘the Wonderland of the World?’ HBO’s Westworld (2016) suggests that it is for a variety of reasons. Modeled after the American (wild) West, Westworld is a futuristic amusement park populated by humanoid androids. They are designed to serve the human guests of the park but are unable to fatally harm them, despite the predominantly violent delights in which the guests indulge throughout their stays. In the show, an eternally returning train conveys both human and android passengers toward the next phase of evolution and arrives at the problem of determinism and free will. In response to this problem, Westworld offers difference—the difference of another species, of a machine in the rich garden of humanity, or rather of a garden as and in the machine that shapes land and life not from the past but from the future.
Cuvinte cheie: westworld, trains, american west, android, garden, machine
Citează acest articol: Mihaela P. Harper. MACHINES AND GARDENS IN HBO’S WESTWORLD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 17, 142-150 (2023).
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