Elvira Bollobani, Majlinda Muka
Pagini: 167-177
Publicat: 1 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/ES1996244294
Vizualizări: 397
Descărcări: 53
Rezumat: The Republic of Albania is very rich in surface and underground water. In the territory of Albania there are thermal springs, which have been known by the inhabitants since ancient times. The thermal springs in my country are in Bilaj (Fushe Kruja), Bellova (Diber), Kozana, Hidrait (Elbasan), Dimal, Benja in the Langarica canyon (Permet), Vromoneri, Postenani (Leskovik), and Mamuras. Some of these thermal springs have been known by Albanians since the time of the Roman Empire. The geological construction of the Albanian soil plays a special role in the thermal waters, which are influenced by the properties of the rock composition of the Albanian subsoil. In addition to geological construction, relief and climatic conditions, a significant factor that guides the use of thermal waters is the way of management by man. The purpose of the study, based on a detailed analysis of thermal water springs in Albania, is to identify the way they can be used and well-managed to serve as a development instrument in curative tourism in our country. This article presents the curative tourism potentials, the forms and dimensions of their use so far, but also the need for drawing up strategies for sustainable development by the central and local government. In order to carry out this study, field observations were carried out and it was used the literature of the field. Consultations with specialists (water engineers) were conducted well as interviews with doctors who work in curative centers, visitors of these centers and owners of hotels located near thermal springs. Thermal spring waters contain sulphur, magnesium, calcium and other minerals. These mineral waters have curative properties for various rheumatic diseases, skin diseases, nervous system diseases, respiratory diseases, etc. The findings of the study will be at the service of central and local institutions, tourist operators, and interested communities, with the aim of involving all actors in making efforts for strategic intervention in areas that offer the possibility for the development of curative tourism.
Cuvinte cheie: underground water, thermal water, curative water
Citează acest articol: Elvira Bollobani, Majlinda Muka. THERMAL WATERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 17, 167-177 (2023).
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