Silvia T. Trifonova, Anton K. Pramatarov
Pagini: 43-63
Publicat: 3 Nov 2024
DOI: 10.62991/EB1996481223
Vizualizări: 135
Descărcări: 21
Rezumat: The paper is devoted to the analysis of some of the key issues concerning the persons without health insurance in Bulgaria. These questions always generate a strong response in society. Many publications and discussions are dedicated to the current solidarity model of health insurance in Bulgaria. Specifically, this paper analyzes the profile, causes and problems related to the uninsured persons in the country. These are important issues for debate that need to be addressed.
Cuvinte cheie: uninsured persons, health insurance, solidarity model, bulgaria, problems regarding uninsured persons
Citează acest articol: Silvia T. Trifonova, Anton K. Pramatarov. KEY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE UNINSURED PERSONS IN BULGARIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 18, 43-63 (2024).
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