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Agriculture & Food 2025, 13th International Conference
11-14 August, Burgas, Bulgaria
Call for Papers

Agriculture & Food, Volume 2, 2014

Yunus Çiçek, Bilal Acar, Mithat Direk
Pages: 106-110
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,599
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Abstract: The aim of study was to evaluate irrigation effect on olive fruit yield as well as giving some practical recommendations for better incomes of farmers. Olive trees have focused on widely in Mediterranean region. There are two main reasons of olive tree plantation in such areas: first, almost whole parts of trees are used for different purposes, and second, sloped lands, in general not suitable for field crop production, is a good alternative for olive plantation. Although fruit yield is lower in rain-fed farming, most olive trees have been under rain-fed condition. By comparison to rain-fed farming, fruit yield is about two fold higher in irrigated olive trees. In Mediterranean region, fruit yield was observed as about 50% lower in 2013 than 2012 in irrigated lands. The main reason was periodicity that is very common event in olive trees. One of the main problems faced in olive gardens especially Mediterranean region was that some drip systems have been taken out since they have not properly designated, installed and managed even some farmers have used surface irrigation methods. To increase fruit yield, water should never be deficit in critical periods especially in stages of seed hardening and fruit color formation. Almost none or very few table olive factories are present in Mediterranean region of Turkey so farmers have to sell fruits to oil factories with a low price. This has resulted reducing incomes of farmers. For high production, irrigation program should be based on by considering crop growth stages. In addition, high efficient irrigation systems such as drip and mini-sprinkler should be used with well management especially in water shortage areas.
Keywords: irrigation, olive, fruit yield, water shortage, production
Cite this article: Yunus Çiçek, Bilal Acar, Mithat Direk. IRRIGATION AFFECT ON OLIVE YIELD AND SOME RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WELL INCOMES OF PRODUCERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 106-110 (2014).
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