Galia D. Panayotova, Neli K. Valkova, Violeta Z. Bozhanova, Svetla S. Kostadinova
Pages: 278-287
Published: 1 Jun 2014
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities for cotton varieties growing under conditions of organic farming. The research was carried out in the certificated field of the Field Crops Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria in cotton-durum wheat crop-rotation under non-irrigated conditions. The results demonstrated that at organic production the new Bulgarian varieties realized good seed-cotton yield. The average total cotton yield was 1328 kg/ha, ranging from 1279 kg/ha fоr cultivar Boyana to 1372 kg/ha for Chirpan-539. Varieties Chirpan-539, Boyana and Darmi were identified as a high-yielding and adaptable to biological conditions. As a result of two-fold foliar application with “ALGA 300” in dose of 1l/ha the yield increased with 7.3 to 14.6 % compared to the untreated. Under the influence of field conditions and foliar application the variety Natalia formed most bolls per plant - 3.48, and the boll weight was the highest in cultivar Helius - 4.00 g.
Keywords: cotton, organic farming, variety, foliar application, yield, quality
Cite this article: Galia D. Panayotova, Neli K. Valkova, Violeta Z. Bozhanova, Svetla S. Kostadinova. POSSIBILITIES FOR COTTON GROWING UNDER CONDITIONS OF ORGANIC FARMING IN BULGARIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 278-287 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000038/
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