Krasimir P. Velikov, Ivona V. Dimitrova
Pages: 373-381
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,280
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Abstract: The aim of present research is the investigation on the fertilization until 48th hour post litter weaning in Californian rabbit does over litter size, litter weight and average individual weight in young rabbit in birth, on the 8th, 16th, 21st 35th day post partum, as well as the absolute gain and the average daily gain from birth until 8th day, from 8th until 16th day, from 16th until 21st day and from 21st day until 35th day. Californian rabbit does, fertilized until 48th hour post weaning, show higher values of litter size on the 8th and 16th day post partum in comparison with control group with 19.5% and 18.7%, respectively. This method decreases average individual weight of young rabbit on the 16th day with 18.6%. The absolute and average daily gain of a young rabbit in experimental group in the period from 8th until 16th day are 32.6% lower, and in the period from 16th until 21st day – 34% are higher than the control animals.
Keywords: californian rabbit, fertilization, weaning, productive parameters, biostimulation, reproduction
Cite this article: Krasimir P. Velikov, Ivona V. Dimitrova. INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION IN CALIFORNIAN RABBIT DOES UNTIL 48-TH HOUR POST WEANING ON SOME PRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 373-381 (2014).
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