Marek Cierach, Natalia Idaszewska, Jacek Niedzwiedz
Pages: 439-447
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,385
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Abstract: The aim of this research was to conduct comparative study of meat products with the addition of four different modified starches with a high degree of cross-linking. Finely-grind meat blocks were used as research material. It was demonstrated that the addition of starch resulted in a significant improvement in hydration properties of meat batters. Also cooking loss and purge during storage of the final product was reduced. These changes resulted in improvement of texture, juiciness and colour of meat products. Improvement of colour stability of these products suggests the occurrence of protective effect of starch on nitrosohemochrome.
Keywords: modified starches, meat products, texture, colour
Cite this article: Marek Cierach, Natalia Idaszewska, Jacek Niedzwiedz. QUALITY FEATURES OF MEAT PRODUCTS WITH THE ADDITION OF MODIFIED STARCHES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 439-447 (2014). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000058/
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