A. M. Orire, S. O. E. Sadiku
Pages: 521-523
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,702
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Abstract: High cost of extruded floating fish feed necessitated the research into the development of on-farm made floating fish feed using locally available floating agents. Six feeds were formulated to evaluate the effect of catalyst on the buoyancy of the feed (pellets and flakes). The feeds were formulated using yeast and baking powder as catalysts at 5% and 10%, respectively. The results showed significant differences (P<0.05). The 10% catalyst based diets gave the highest percentage of floatation (70%) at 6o minutes of buoyancy test, while the soybean based feed did not float at all. The result showed that, locally developed floating feeds can substitute for the extruded feed.
Keywords: floating catalysts, feeds, pellet, flake
Cite this article: A. M. Orire, S. O. E. Sadiku. DEVELOPMENT OF FARM MADE FLOATING FEED FOR AQUACULTURE SPECIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 521-523 (2014).
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