Alexandr S. Tutygin, Anna A. Shinkaruk, Arkadiy M. Aisenstadt, Valeriy S. Lesovik
Pages: 54-61
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,623
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Abstract: The ecological situation in the North-Arctic region can be improved and the efficiency of interaction in the system "Individual - Material - Environment" can be increased if natural raw materials and environmentally friendly mining wastes are used. If these materials are used, it will be possible to reduce cement consumption and consequently the quantity of harmful wastes in the production of high quality concrete composites.
Keywords: natural raw materials, saponite-containing material, thermodynamic criteria, microdispersed materials, composite materials
Cite this article: Alexandr S. Tutygin, Anna A. Shinkaruk, Arkadiy M. Aisenstadt, Valeriy S. Lesovik. ECOLOGICAL RISKS REDUCTION IN THE PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE COMPOSITES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 54-61 (2014).
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