E. Sendzikiene, K. Kazancev, I. Kazanceva
Pages: 62-70
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,519
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Abstract: Because the production of biodiesel from food crops may cause negative economic, social, and environmental effects, alternatives are sought to satisfy the raw material demand for biodiesel production. The aim of research is to evaluate the possibilities of application of used for frying oil and butanol for biodiesel production by applying biotechnological methods. For the investigations biocatalyst - lipase Lipozyme RM IM was selected. The optimal conditions for the production of biodiesel fuel were determined: 20 °C temperature, butanol and oil molar ratio - 3:1, 13% of lipase, 5.18 % of water and 30 hours duration of the process. The quality analysis of the received product was performed.
Keywords: biodiesel, frying oil, butanol, lipase
Cite this article: E. Sendzikiene, K. Kazancev, I. Kazanceva. APPLICATION OF USED FOR FRYING OIL FOR BIODIESEL FUEL PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 62-70 (2014).
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