Virginija Skorupskaite, Violeta Makareviciene
Pages: 71-77
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,932
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Abstract: The microalgae biomass can be used for various types of biofuels, including biodiesel and biogas. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibilities of microalgae Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp. (widespread in freshwater Lithuanian lakes) usage for biogas production. Microalgae were cultivated under mixotrophic conditions (growth medium BG11containing technical glycerol). In order to determine biogas yield and quality dependence on feedstock preparation, the analyses of biogas production have been performed with algae biomass prepared in different ways: wet centrifuged; wet centrifuged, frozen and defrost; dry not de-oiled and dry de-oiled. The highest biogas yield in both cases (Scenedesmus sp. – 646 ml/gDM and Chlorella sp. – 652 ml/gDM) was obtained from centrifuged, frozen and defrost biomass. Biogas yield was app. 1.46 times higher comparing to yield of biogas produced from wastewater sludge. Our results showed that different types of biomass preparation have no significant influence on quality of biogas.
Keywords: microalgae, biomass, biogas production, biogas quality
Cite this article: Virginija Skorupskaite, Violeta Makareviciene. GREEN ENERGY FROM MICROALGAE: USAGE OF ALGAE BIOMASS FOR ANAEROBIC DIGESTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 71-77 (2014).
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