Igor N. Nyagolov, Irena G. Ilcheva, Anna G. Yordanova, Vesela Sht. Rainova
Pages: 103-110
Published: 1 Jun 2014
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Abstract: In terms of climate change and extreme events, the role of the complex water systems and dams management is increasing. Except for the preservation of stored water volumes to ensure reliable water supply and irrigation, maintaining high levels for effective power generation and to ensure the ecological minimum, the use of dams performs also the function for flood protection. In order to improve the complex and significant (Annex 1 of Water Law) reservoir management, in NIMH has initiated a phased development of a decision-making support system with the appropriate modules. The models, by assessing the current situation, needs and expectations of incoming runoff, enable to give relevant recommendations for solutions. Despite the diversity of situations, the recommendations for decision are synonymous to operate at expected high water as well as in drought conditions.
Keywords: complex reservoir, water resource management, flood, drought, climate decision support system
Cite this article: Igor N. Nyagolov, Irena G. Ilcheva, Anna G. Yordanova, Vesela Sht. Rainova. MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEX RESERVOIRS UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 103-110 (2014).
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