Michaeli Eva, Solar Vladimir, Ivanova Monika, Fazekasova Danica
Pages: 305-311
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,478
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Abstract: At the mining over many centuries the mineral reserves especially of metallurgical and precious metals in Slovakia have exhausted. Their residues are now only mineralogical significance. The exceptions are bearings of uranium ore, where extensive geological surveys and smaller mining began on the Slovakia until in the year 1948 in the Novoveská Huta. In the last decade last century, the mining in the context attenuation of the mining industry was stopped. The bearings of uranium ore are occur in the arc of the Central Carpathians in the rocks of the Paleozoic - Permian from the Nové Mesto nad Váhom after the South Zemplín (Rojkovič 1997). About the ore of uranium on the Slovakia they have interested foreign companies and most of the exploration licenses is under the control of the companies from Canada and Australia, which exploring the bearings of uranium ore since 2005. The expanse of exploration areas is today more than 300 km2. The exploration of the uranium bearings met resistance of the local governments and citizens of the concerned areas. They fear that foreign investors do not enter into exploration projects only from the aspect of mapping geological reserves of uranium ore and do not intend uranium mine. Aim of this paper is to give a characteristic of selected bearings of uranium and point out environmental and functional and spatial implications eventual mining of uranium ore.
Keywords: bearings of uranium ore, slovak republic, exploration of uranium ores, negative consequences of mining uranium ores on the environment
Cite this article: Michaeli Eva, Solar Vladimir, Ivanova Monika, Fazekasova Danica. CURRENT STATUS THE BEARINGS OF URANIUM ORES IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 305-311 (2014).
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