Boris A. Korobitsyn, Alexandr A. Kuklin, Igor L. Manzhurov, Natalya L. Nikulina
Pages: 320-334
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,571
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Abstract: Russia is one of the few countries in the world where life expectancy in 2010 was the same as in 1960 or even lower. The leading causes of death are cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasm, and external causes. Mortality crisis in Russia is of such magnitude and urgency that the limited available resources can be applied only to the problems of the highest priority in the most cost-effective way. This paper presents results of assessment of life expectancy losses and damage cost from decrease of life expectancy due to different risk factors for 82 federal subjects of Russia. To identify preventable causes of death the difference between Russia and the countries of European Union is considered.
Keywords: life expectancy, lost years of potential life, damage from decrease of life expectancy, damage from different causes of death
Cite this article: Boris A. Korobitsyn, Alexandr A. Kuklin, Igor L. Manzhurov, Natalya L. Nikulina. THE ASSESSMENT OF PRIORITIES FOR INCREASING LIFE EXPECTANCY IN RUSSIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 320-334 (2014).
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