Igaz Dusan, Jana Domanova, Andrej Tarnik
Pages: 335-346
Published: 1 Jun 2014
Views: 3,529
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Abstract: The hydraulic conductivity is important hydraulic parameter for flow and transport-related phenomena in soil profile, but the results are affected by the method that was used for determination and also by measurements in different conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of soil hydraulic conductivity measured at the laboratory or in the field on the daily course of simulated soil moisture. Research study was undertaken at experimental site of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (locality Kolíňany – near town Nitra). Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity was measured using double ring infiltrometer in field conditions. For laboratory experiment was used falling head method. The values of K(DRI), K(FHM) and other hydro-physical characteristics were used as input for the model GLOBAL, which is mathematical model of water movement in the soil. The correlation coefficient between measured and simulated values with used K (DRI) was 0.68. Simulation which used K (FHM) had sufficiently good supply behavior of measured soil moisture values. The correlation coefficient was 0.90.
Keywords: soil moisture, hydraulic conductivity
Cite this article: Igaz Dusan, Jana Domanova, Andrej Tarnik. INFLUENCE OF SELECTED SOIL PHYSICAL PARAMETER (TWO MEASUREMENT METHODS) ON SOIL MOISTURE SIMULATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 8, 335-346 (2014).
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